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Kundalini Tantra

December 9, 2009 by · Leave a Comment 

Practitioners will learn the history and foundations of Kundalini and Tantra and its applications to sexuality, intimacy, love, the ego, creativity, and spirituality. Discuss the benefits, pros and cons, and contraindications. Participants will watch a video download of Dr. Lisa presenting demonstrations, power point illustrations, exercises, lecture and PDF downloads. 2 hrs/ 2 CE’s.

White Tantra: Sex Energy Meditation and Spirituality

December 9, 2009 by · Leave a Comment 

Practitioners will be able to describe White Tantra meditations and methods to weave sexual energy, consciousness and spirituality. Identify a range of benefits and applications of this practice. Participants will watch a video download of Dr. Lisa presenting demonstrations, power point illustrations, exercises, lecture and PDF downloads 2 hrs/ 2 CE’s.

Prana Tantraâ„¢

December 4, 2009 by · Leave a Comment 

This workshop is for those interested in white tantra, moving mediations, energy medicine and yoga poses.  Connect more deeply to yourself and others, cultivate creativity and channel energies.