Welcome to EnlightenedSexuality.com... today is Monday, February 17, 2025



Scroll through responses from:  women, workshop attendees, parents, educators,  LGBT, couples and men:


After a yoni healing session with Dr Lisa, my feminine self feels healed, full  and intact. What an incredible gift I have received! I had what I believe was an unnecessary hysterectomy over 20 years ago that severely damaged my sense of femininity.  During my magical sacred session, my womb was gently and lovingly guided into my body, where I actually felt it regenerate and energetically reconnect. I feel I can tap into unending flow of loving feminine energy.  Thank you Dr. Lisa!


After a 5 hr yoni healing ritual and ceremony:

Dear Dr. Lisa,

GOOD Morning ,

I am still so moved by our time together and the work you are so committed to do.

Thank you is something you say to the UPS guy when he drops a package off at your house

so to say thank you would be trite at best.

I know there is more for me and I bless you for being the key that opened the door and unlocked

and nudged my sleeping serpent.

The care and presence you provided helped me with the safety and trust I so need to start dancing with my Shakti.

I saw the light and joy in my sleepy, sad eyes the next day and slept peacefully in my body and bed from feeling so

taken care of, seen and held by your devoted divine feminine.

I so appreciated how you brought your professionalism, wisdom and created such a beautiful shamanic safe space for healing to

take place.

You are a gift to women and deep healing of the womb the mother is crying for.

So that Lisa….. is my thank you and I bless you.    Laura, 53, San Diego, May, 2014


These are from a Wombn’s Weave  workshop: 11/17/2013:

My daughter, Kiri, who first met Dr. Lisa, told me the night before that she was going to a yoni ceremony,  I had never heard the word “yoni” before.  She told me what she knew.  I hesitated to say that I would go as I wasn’t feeling well (stress).

At the last moment, and still with a little hesitation, not wanting to intrude on my daughter’s space but very much wanting to spend the day with her, I accepted her invitation.  Lisa had helped my daughter and son-in-law with some  issues and I was happy that they were having an easier time of it, so I wanted to meet the lady who had helped them.

My daughter, her friend and I walked into a beautiful, peaceful, loving space not really knowing what to expect.  What we found was a group of women very committed to helping one another and sharing their hearts and issues for the benefit of others.

I learned much that I didn’t know and learned that Lisa is helping women around the world to come into their own power and be whole and be heard.

Since I have been giving my all as a caretaker for 4 years I am at the point of being somewhat drained.  My heart and my attitude have been affected but with the exercises and the positive, loving energy toward each other I noticed a shift in my attitude as the day wore on.  I have always had this with my daughter but have been finding it difficult to be around my husband because of the stress.

The next day I was able to give my husband (who helps a lot with our son) a hug.  It really helped dispel the stress I was feeling and all the negative emotions that had been building.  My husband became more relaxed and playful and it helped change the vibes for all of us.  I guess it’s possible to get a healing by osmosis.

The snakes were an amazing part of the day.  I realize how beautiful they are and saw them through Lisa’s eyes which gave them special abilities to heal. There was a distinct calm in the room when they were with us.

It was a memorable day, indeed.  I am happy that I could share the time with my daughter and the other daughters and mothers who attended.

Lisa, it is obvious that your work is very unique and a huge gift to someone who needs it. Women here and women in Africa are very blessed to have someone like you help them through some very tough challenges.  You have a wonderful, kind, loving and generous presence about you.  You are a special Being of Light and Love to do the work you do.  Marilyn


The Wombn’s Weave was an amazing event. I appreciated the instant comradery of women from all walks of life and age groups. Hearing the women’s stories of hardship, bravery, and growth regarding their sexual experiences was touching. Their openness was admirable. Of course, Lisa created an environment for everyone to feel open and accepted at whatever comfort level they were experiencing. There was no judgment, but there was a lot of laughter, insight and love at this event. I particularly liked that Lisa led us through some connecting and healing techniques; experiential tools that we could take home and practice with our loved ones. The yoni healing was a profound ritual to witness. Lisa’s experience, knowledge and compassion made the healing and whole event very impactful. Her work is very meaningful and is helping to pioneer a new world in which sex is practiced to heal, enlighten, and connect people. She is guiding women towards honoring and loving themselves more so that we can be strong and empowered enough to inspire our mother’s, daughters and sisters to do the same. And by doing so, the men in our lives can be guided towards a higher connection with their heart chakras when it comes to sex, intimacy, family and life.  I believe reconnecting with the sacredness of sexual energy will give benefit to anyone willing to try. Through her workshops, events and daily work, Lisa makes this part of the journey feel that much safer to venture into. Kiri


Full Moon In Taurus:  Women’s Weave

by Mika and Dr Lisa

There are experiences in life that will stay with you and ripple through eternity. They start a vibration that impacts those around you and shift the consciousness of the world. I know I participated in such an experience this past Sunday.

I spent this past Sunday with other like minded sisters under the light of the beautiful Taurus moon at Sacred Sanctuary in Del Mar, California.  Imagine, the mood was set with beautiful Tibetan, Indonesian, Moroccan and East Indian artwork, colorful pillows, silk cloths, singing, healthy foods and love. For almost 10 years, Dr. Lisa Apramian, Ph.D. has been leading an event called a “Wombn’s Weave”. They are “expeditions into the wombs of women”. I discovered Dr. Apramian while searching for awakening experiences.  This unforgettable journey was filmed and will be one part of her larger documentary covering ten years of her work and a film series; “Enlightened Sexuality”. It is produced by Spiral Awakening and The Visionary Midwives. It will eventually be seen in festivals and educational formats as well as women’s studies departments in other countries to inspire positive change in the lives of women and men.

I was immediately attracted to this event on so many levels because of the work that I do.  I believe in constant growth and this was a perfect invitation to something I knew I needed in my core.  I went into the Wombn’s Weave with trust, a clear mind and an open heart. What I received is beyond words.  I was able to get in touch with the part of me that feels to connected to everything. It stirred deep feelings of community with women, nature and the cosmos. I connected through the unconditionally loving soulful eyes of other woman, and expanded through breath, song and movement. I got to hold and bond with one of Dr Lisa’s snakes. I fell in love with serpent “Dora”, from her Serpentarium of over 100 snakes from various countries.  I now understand Dr. Lisa’s connection to snakes and learned that for centuries all over the world, women, healing and snakes have gone hand and hand.

Like many others, my sensual past was a series of experiences and I needed tools to re-explore, excavate, clear and re-integrate energy. So I volunteered to be filmed while Dr. Lisa performed a ceremonial yoni ritual dedicated to me. I knew it was time to go beyond my comfort zone if I wanted to grow to my next development level.

I was naked in all my glory, hurt, pain, anger, grief and happiness while Dr Lisa and other women encouraged me to breath, and witness energy moving in my body and chant with others.  Now I truly understand why many of these ceremonies encourage partial or full nudity and a woman’s touch.  In order to surrender, honor and become your true self, it’s necessary “to be witnessed and cherished in the flesh” and to shed the layers  built under our clothes.  Dr Lisa is helping me “recognize layers of unconscious memories embedded in my body”. They are protective layers that have encouraged a false safety and acceptance.  I believe we can only accept ourselves and others truly when we are ready to get naked and be nonjudgemental of ourself and others.

I laughed, hugged, cried, shuttered and screamed.  Dr. Lisa  helped me to receive heart-based feminine touch in what she referred to as “the womb chakra”. Her intention is to open blockages from wounds and repression of my emotional, intuitive and energetic past and stored in my yoni. By doing this, I alter what I attract and how I channel my energy in the present and future.  Dr. Lisa facilitated this ritual, along with Leti, another midwife, and two other Womb Weaver’s, Kerem (didjeridoo) and Kari (activation), and inciting the circle of women; rocking, breathing and chanting in unison.  My life and the lives of those I touch will be forever changed by this experience. It’s been 3 days since the experience.  I still feel vibration, openings and the beginnings of integration of my upper and lower body and new harmony with my spirit. It was a heart based decision that felt right. This was a beginning. There are many sacred rites, rituals and practices to clarify, reflect and integrate on the path of yoni healing.

Beyond words, there is a level of healing that is beneficial to all that participate in these Wombn’s Weave. When we acknowledge wounds and energy that no longer serves us we release this self inflicted dis-ease from our core, healing takes place and we affect the vibrations in the cosmos.

Spiral Awakening and the Visionary Midwives also produce an annual event called The Yoniverse Summit, “Enlightened Sexuality” workshops and panel discussions for parents, women, men and couples, raising money for women, offering sex education performances, music and art.  Their mission is re-defining and reclaiming holistic sexuality and empowerment, embodiment and goddess-balanced feminine and masculine spirituality.

I am honored to be a part of this documentary and look forward to sharing with you information about how to participate in these types of healing rituals if this resonates with you.

For more information; visit




In healing & love,

Mika and Dr Lisa


Dr. Lisa,

I have been amazingly touched by witnessing Mika’s yoni healing ceremony.  I am drawn to amplifying this work in some way. Thank you for bringing this potential to the planet in such an awesome way!



Dr Lisa

The Weave was an inspiring experience that created the first wave of the awakening consciousness that exist in all of us. It illuminated the beauty that encompass every woman when she understands her true power and gift upon this world. Ashley


Dr. Lisa, Ph.D.

Thank you for inviting me to participate in your all day Community Of Women’s Sharing Ceremonies & Connections.  It was my honor to see your impactful work up close.

I was thrilled to hold the field for each woman to feel safe and to be seen, heard, and acknowledged.  It was my privilege To Be A Silent Witness to the expansion of compassionate consciousness being experienced by every woman there.  I was thrilled to be a part of your magnificent work in this field of Sacred Sexuality.

I witnessed most of the women get very comfortable in their own bodies & begin to understand the power of their womb & their sexuality.  Everyone seemed to go to new levels of acceptance of their feminine power & purpose.

I believe that many men & women are looking for this wisdom that you teach & share.  Please invite me anytime to join you for this type of event again.  I am a gifted storyteller in both the written & oral tradition.  If you’d like I could tell a goddess story or create a modern myth for the group.  Amber Penrose


“I recently attended a Women’s workshop meeting led by Dr.
Lisa. I had been reading various sources concerning Kundalini
and wished to learn more. I was not sure what to expect but the
fact that Dr. Lisa continued to make it a point to attain
critical feedback from each participant concerning key issues
made it clear that she placed a high premium on the perspective
of each student. I participated in a ritual in which trauma was
symbolically and powerfully transformed into a cause for
celebration and felt very supported. I also participated in a
pranic meditation as well. It became pretty obvious from the
start that Dr.Lisa knew exactly what she was doing. There was
definitely no reading from a script. She expertly and
seamlessly guided the meditation step by step leading the
pranic energy from each charka to their precise destinations. I
just followed her directions and was able to maintain a dynamic
flow of energy. The sanctuary where she holds her workshop was
quite beautiful as well and held a very profound and calm
energy. I am glad that I took a chance to attend that meeting
since it was the first of its kind that I ventured in
participating. Thank you. M.H.”

Thank you Dr Lisa for one of the most memorable events in my life. You are the most heart centered and caring person group leader. Not only did I feel safe enough but you allowed something to happen that I will never forget. You have changed my life forever, and what you facilitated for me and some of the women tonight was profound. Ashley

This was a night I will remember always. You healed something I did not even think needed healing. The ceremony you created for me with the other women holding space blew me away. I was in tears of joy. You must have been psychic to predict the tools you brought out tonight. I love how you improvise. But most of all, you have a good heart. Thank you. Melinda


Dear Dr. Lisa,
Thank you for your flyer (Mother Daughter Circle Enlightened Sexuality)
Below is an email it inspired me to send my 20 year old daughter now in her last year of college in Oregon.
How may I send you a donation to express my appreciation for your work?
Thank you for your awareness, your efforts and your ability to communicate in these sensitive areas clearly.
Blessings, Andy K
(here is my letter to her)
Dear K,
What parents want for their children is for their children to have an even better life than the parents.
Intimacy is a critical aspect of our human life  we wish you the best life.
Frequently I have lamented that we are trained to feel intimacy is an inappropriate topic for discussion and study.
Fortunately this taboo is dissolving, below is a flyer about the type of information we are becoming able to discuss and study.
I highly recommend accepting intimacy as an area of discussion and study.
Obviously you will not be at this program but it is an example of what I recommend you seek – specifically the third and forth sentences in the body of the text (http://yoniverse.com/mother-daughter-groups/)
If you do not pursue this area I am sure everything will work out fine, it does for most everyone, but I wish you a superior and ecstatic life and intentional focus in this area. (It) will be of value. I Love You, A
RE Enlightened Sexuality,

Dear Dr Lisa Apramian and the Spiral Arts Institute, This was very inspirational to see you getting out there to young adults in school. As a 15 year teacher, it was wonderful to hear action put forth on healthy ways to teach this critical subject area. I support the perspective and the good intentions here.  Shar


I think I have actually been at your home many years ago for a visit by Tibetan Buddhist Monks (which was wonderful).  I think your effort at enlightened and honoring sex education for young women and girls is absolutely needed and wonderful. I’d love to figure out someway to help/participate. I’d like to keep in touch and know any suggestions you might have.  Scott
Hello Cosmic Earth Goddesses All,

I love the title of this website, and it is great that you are having a Yoniverse Summit over Spring Equinox! I would love to teach my class in Yoni Dowsing at such an event¦ as well as a few other specialties Shondra


Dr Lisa, It was pure joy to meet you (and your dogs) last evening.  Thank you for the service you render to this community.  I look forward to the rest of this series and to friendship with you. I feel a bond forming there. Jude
Wholessence The Magazine


LGBT workshops and sessions

The workshop is a safe place to heal wounds deeply in a loving environment. I felt blessed and full of gratitude. After a while the realization that we are one and  not strangers at all is inevitable. I became aware of a lot of taboos I had and transformed that energy to self love. Claudia

The workshop was very powerful!  Dr Lisa did a wonderful job approaching the “heart” of the matter: namely, the spiritual and emotional roots of human experience.  It was beautiful to see women opening up, healing, reaching inward and discovering beauty. I know that many lives were changed forever for the better that afternoon. Gina


It was a good informative experience and safe to express lesbian relational issues. it was truly a unique experience. Thank you for your time. Fran


The intro workshop was not intimidating, nor a highly sexual experience but more one of opening your heart and engaging in safe discussion about any sexual topic.  I recomend attending if you are comfortable with opening up in groups of women you don’t know and with discussions about chakras and energy, and that it seems legit both with and without a partner to go with.  I had an experience that opened my mind to understanding commonalities among myself and other women regarding sexual hang-ups and fantasies, both released and built up energy in some of my chakras, and opened my heart to unconditional love. It really was a unique experience for me, helped me open in a way I don’t typically do with new people, and even helped heal me in subtle ways. Kim


“Dr. Lisa is the real deal, a embodied priestess of the tantric arts and that if given the opportunity to attend one of her workshops you shouldn’t miss out.  The workshop encourged and protected womyn’s sacred sensual energy in a open and accepting enviornment. The chakra meditation was GREAT! There was such freedom in that meditation I felt very energized afterward. I find it important right now as we are shifting towards 2012 and the energy is becoming more feminine.  I would say there is a hunger for body awareness and remembering.”   Thanks! Oriya

We have gone through some pretty dry spells in our relationship. Other times, we have had a juicy connection to one another. But we have never approached sex with an integrative approach. I can honestly admit I never saw the need for spirituality and sexuality to go together. Now that we have encountered these experiences , our love and our experiences are what Dr Lisa calls “expansive” or “ecstatic”.  We have more tenderness and more power as women. I think we both feel more energized than we have felt in years. L/C (Hillcrest)

Heterosexual individual and couples sessions and workshops

I left feeling refreshed.  I thought it was quite insightful. I realized that in my current partnership, my partner gives me so much energy and that leaves him feeling drained. He needs to learn to not just give me HIS energy, but he needs to receive mine and not just mine, but we both need to feel the energy of the Spirit through each other.  We both need to be able to give AND receive.This was really an “aha” moment for me in my spiritual/sensual journey.  Thank you! Leslie


Thank you for awakening my senses today. I will contact you when I get back from India

Tintshen (Burma)


It was a wonderful experience meeting with you. I was so mesmerized by the energy work that you have done. I felt like all the blockages in my body (emotional as well as physical) were removed. I was so refreshed and was able to come out of the session so peaceful and without any guilty feelings.

Guilty feelings happens most often with  sessions with other people and it never crossed my mind after your session. I am very grateful to you for this wonderful experience.

I hope to meet with you again soon. Please email me about our next session.

Namaste, Aiz


I left the sanctuary feeling more energized than I have felt in over a year. I went to the beach and walked. You asked that I journal later a few words of  our encounter. I witness myself so taken by you. I love being in your presence. You are so kind, gentle and loving that I find myself wanting to soar everywhere in life shared with your presence. I remember what it means to be a man evoked by feminine divinity. Thank you. Alexander, Costa Rica


Devi, My review is simple. You are a beautiful and extremely powerful woman. You use your power for the highest good. I am so proud of you. Don IL


Greetings again, To be honest, I so underestimated you that I am ashamed. You are a knowledgeable and wise woman. The first part of our session I was blown away because you freed me mentally. You gave me simple yet profound knowledge.  I am full of energy, buzzing everywhere. YOU are so powerful. What strength, what an immense capacity you have to love, to give. Yet you are so anchored. I am filled. Renewed. I came to you, spent. And although I have practiced tai chi and chi gong for years, you are the most powerful conduit of chi I have ever met and you are exactly what I needed. You are powerful. You are honest. You are love, as am I in your presence. Thank you dear heart. Larry, MA


I just wanted to quickly send this email to thank you for a wonderful experience yesterday!! It was such a pleasure meeting you!! I was enthralled & fascinated. I knew you were beautiful from your photos…but you are so much more beautiful in person, both inside & out!!

Have a safe trip home & a magical summer!!
Take care. You are truly a goddess!!

Rafael FL


Dr. Lisa, this was so much more than I could have imagined. You know so much that at first I felt like an insect. But you are so kind and loving in your guidance, I learned so much. You are a truly amazing teacher and guru guide. I wish there were more people like you in the world. It would be a different place. Thank you. I can and will see you as often as possible to learn and evolve.
Richard NJ


Just a quick day after follow-up on our 6th session. It has been 8 weeks since our last session. First: The overwhelming experience of that energy in my hands and leading me out of my body was awesome (literally as opposed to how it it used in the vernacular). And your generosity and freedom during our session touched me magnificently.

I spoke with my partner after our session. I have her full permission and enthusiasm for the work we are doing. You are my teacher and I am hers.  (only in the little stuff, not the energy work for sure!) On your suggestion I drew her a bath last night after she came home from work, I lit the bathroom with candles and we spoke and played verbally for a couple of hours and worked simply on relaxing, breathing and communicating.. Physically I felt beautiful – my energy was open and sensitive; my body felt delicious and I have had to keep breathing into my root as the waves still occasionally wash over me from our experience. I do not know how to thank you enough. I intend to keep studying with you. .. please let me know when you are back in Sanctuary NYC.

Namaste, Alchemy – you are a light in my life for a greater good and a more powerful way of being.
All my love, Marti NYC


Dear Dr. Lisa,
I wanted to thank you from the bottom of my heart for opening my mind into a new way of thinking. It was a wonderful experience. As far as the word love goes, it reminded me of something I learned in grad school when studying psych. There is a tribe in Papua New Guinea that has 32 words for the word love English has only one word they have different words for the love of a mother, love of a friend, sister, brother, etc. I also can think of how lucky the person who has your love in the way … I hope they appreciate you as you are truly special. Peace, happiness be with you and may only good things be with you in your quest for expanding your knowledge or whatever it is you seek.



Dr. Lisa,
Thank you very much for a wonderful escape beyond my dreams. You are very accomplished. For some reason I believe I knew that when we met. You made me feel very comfortable and engaged. I do believe that continued practice along with my other spiritual growth endeavors will aid and guide me to a place that will help me nurture myself emotionally and sensually. I have to be honest. You engaged me almost immediately. Mostly because of your personal demeanor, which in and of itself is very comforting. I suppose the womb-like environment coupled with the subtle yet intoxicating energy that filled the air clearly contributed to a wonderful experience. However, it was your eye contact and your perceptive nature that really allowed me to begin to open. I would like to continue studying with you…since you fly between the coasts as I do, that you would be a phenomenal resource. Once again, thank you for your introduction. Wishing you only the best things that life has to offer.
Best always,
Seth NYC


Dear Dr. Lisa,
In our time together I was richly aware of you. Perhaps your greatest
brilliance (among so many) is how you are so in love with everyone you
are with. I wonder aloud if it is a challenge to be so open – as if
the souls you interact with on a day to day basis have a megaphone
into your awareness? Your discussion consideration was so rich
with layers of well thought out spiritual and practical resonance..
Everything that you do, movement, speech, thought, interaction,
spirituality  is poetry in motion. It is clear to me that interacting with you is not like any
other human being I interact with. Jeff DC


Dearest Dr. Lisa,
Your session was an opening to a window for a possible transformation . You have expanded me to something I now have a physical awareness of at the early stages of and now I see this is a possibility that can be an actuality if I follow through with it. Separately it was a very beautiful sensuous experience and left me with a feeling of peace and tranquil energy .

Most of all, thank you for your sincerity. It was completely consistent in every single moment and phase and I really appreciate it. It is most unusual to run across someone that sincere.

I wonder if you know Gangaji?

The great good news is that love is free and it has not gone
anywhere. In all of these aeons that you have been hiding from love,
love is still here, it is still open, it is still waiting for your
commitment, still waiting for you to say, Yes, I give my life to the
truth of love. I vow to let love live this life as it will, for better
or worse, for richer or poorer. The love that you search for
everywhere is already present within you. It may be evoked by any
number of people or events. A mountain can evoke this love. A sunset
can evoke this love. But finally, you must realize you are this love.
The source of all love is within you.  This how you inspire and teach me.
Love your faithful follower NYC


For you,
How do I give a review in words that reflect how deeply the spirit has been touched?
In my first session, I arrived bearing gifts of fruit and soup on a cold, snowy New York winter afternoon. After being greeted with warmth and tenderness, I undressed, put on a sarong and stepped into a sacred, loving, very sensual temple for three hours. We discussed my intentions (I have a marriage that has recently been opened in order to bring back passion and great connection) and we took the first steps toward proper breathing, energy work and the creation of a connection. In this, my first session, I felt and created the love for my teacher that simply grows exponentially each time we meet.


I have seen you at least four or five times and still bring gifts of fruit, which we share throughout the session, and I feel moved each time by her unconditional love, generosity and knowledge. It is seriously hard to put into words how clear you are with our work it is always with purpose but thoroughly fun and intense. I should mention that I am in very good shape, but you wipe me out physically – and we are generally moving only in each others energy field while remaining seated or in repose. I cannot help but feel your love, caring and HUGE feminine energy,  innocence .. you share as much energy as I think you feel I can handle  which is in itself incredibly exciting because I know there is so much more to learn and to be offered. When we remove the ego, there is an ocean of infinite possibility in sharing energies. Alchemy has been my Pole Star, guiding me across those seas.



Your authentic presence and integrity as an experientialist and phenomenologist are remarkable reminding seekers of their infinite capacity and power to heal, balance, transform, and celebrate beingness. You offer tenderness. You take the time to love unconditionally and reflect truth. In so doing, you inspire and empower all men, women, and couples universally.
Oscar, CA


Dear Dr. Lisa,
I am grateful to you. I have been practicing Taoist Tantra and I feel you are the guide to take me to the next level energetically. After this unbelievable session with you, I commit to more advanced meditation with you..
Brian, NYC


I have been waiting my whole life. She truly embodies the evolution of the Goddess xxxx, Dubai


A rare and beautiful flower


Thank you thank you for inspiring me and allowing me to breath new life into this tired tense body. Dan, DC


I have been kissing my wife, more now than I have since we were dating 20 years ago.
Walt, TX


It is extremely unusual for me to be surprised by anyone I meet. You are so real that I find myself fascinated by you. I want to get to know you over and over.
Jeff, NY


There is nothing mechanical about your sessions. You are filled with gentle intelligence and kindness. I feel like I have known you my whole life”


I selected you because of your obvious education and vast experience. I come back to you because I am home.
David, CA


You have forever changed they way I see life.
Joseph, MA


I dreamt I could heal from the place I spent 28 years, sleeping. I recognize you from my dreams, or a past life. Destined to work together and to heal so I can finally create and participate in the divine plan.
Mary, SC


Hello Dr. Lisa,
We came to you because my wife has been unable to have an orgasm for 15 years. We were frightened to pursue this world but you assured us with your wisdom and voice. You won our hearts so easily. I watched as my wife softened to you. I was amazed. It felt very foreign to me to practice the methods you use with woman. I was grateful for the DVD and metaphors and practice exercises. I was not really sure what this investment would yield, but I knew we could not continue with things as they have been. However, I never dared to think we could come this far. Each day anew as my wife and I frolic and play , we are opening up to spectacular levels of loving kindness. And this makes for some juicy sensuality I thought we would never share. We wholeheartedly recommend you to any couples who truly want to grow and transform.
Keith and Gale, NY


We came to you to enhance our love life and you have opened a whole new world to us. I have told several friends about you and hope you receive as many blessings in your life as you have given us.

Mary and Tom, MD


This was my first experience with Tantra. I have heard about it and am so glad I selected you as my guide. I had remarkable experiences that I dare not put words to. If I were to try, they could not capture the places you helped me explore.
Gary, Chicago


I came to you, before I pursued my wedding plans at the encouragement of my fiance. I have always had this nagging feeling that I wanted to be close to a woman. This freaked me out. Was I a lesbian? Now I know that what I craved was a woman to woman authentic feminine connection from the heart so I can find and embrace my feminine nature. Thank you for supporting me through this discovery and appreciation for the feminine.
Police officer, NJ


Alchemy  suits you for you truly understand energy of bodies and souls and the elixirs of transformation and attraction!
Jim, CA


I have learned so much from your coursework and sessions. I always felt like a fairly competent lover. The man I was pales in comparison to who I am becoming.
Alex, NYC


It only took 3 ½ years to convince my wife to attend one of your workshops! Our life has never been the same. We look forward to our sessions with you and are ever so grateful.
Dan & Christie, NJ
There is a caring and
admiration I have for you unlike anything I have ever
experienced. You are perhaps the most real person I have encountered. There is nothing mechanical about you. I drank you up and did not realize how thirsty I was. Thank you.
Richard, NJ


I admire your innocence. You are so kind, that I was initially anxious to be near you. Then I allowed myself to be seen and to receive you and I melted. Do all women feel this way? Thank you.
Jan, NYC


You deserve so much more for the giving person you are. I pray that you receive everything in life that affirms you.
David, CA


You have much to offer the world. I anxiously await the release of your new books
Mark, UK


I was intrigued by the different approach and how it made me feel relaxed like I was floating and tingling everywhere. I am certain that a longer session with you could be of great impact. I will be back for more of this and to receive your talented ..guidance. Azid, NY


You are a Master of Alchemy, You truly deserve your name.
Your Gary


You obviously love what you teach. You obviously live what you teach. I am honored to share time and space with you.
Rommel, WA


I was skeptical, but the moment I stepped into your temple I surrendered.  I am trying to find words to understand and explain what happened to me energetically, your approach to this work is refreshing and made me feel more alive than I have felt for years.  Chris, London


I am elated invigorated and youthful. Thank you for allowing me to unfold and  for your unconditional love Darren