Women’s Sex Survey
Greetings, this survey is for WOMEN ONLY and is part of a large research study. Do not take this survey unless you are a born biological woman.
This survey is to help our understanding of women’s needs and research; if you are giving up halfway through, your incomplete survey compromises the research.
It is VITAL that you finish the survey. It takes the average person 40-45 minutes depending on you.
Please do not start until you have time to take and complete the WHOLE SURVEY in ONE sitting.
This survey is completely utterly totally anonymous! Let’s say this again. It is 200% anonymous so please answer honestly about your behavior and attitudes so we can learn about women’s needs, feelings, and behaviors.
Please encourage as many other women to complete the survey as we are learning important things about women and it will affect our understanding of women. You are an important contributor to this research and your experiences count!
And last, if after completing this survey, you wish to participate in a 4-week free enlightened sexuality coaching for you and your partner, OR you and your child/teen, please contact the author, Dr Lisa ASAP. The confidential results will be presented at a womens conference this year.