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What is tantra?

Tantra dates back to India in the second millennium BC. In several centuries it spread all over India, Nepal, China, Mongolia, etc. There are many Tantric Traditions. In general the Tantras are concerned with the expansion of consciousness, compassion, humility, health, vitality, joy, creativity, awe and unconditional love.

Is Tantra just about sex? What is the difference between red and white tantra?

The tantras are methods of awakening consciousness. Some forms of tantra focus on consciousness beyond pleasure and the flesh. Practitioners have emerged everywhere who focus exclusively on sexuality and it is up to you to find sexual guides with integrity and who resonate with you. Sexual energy IS a vital aspect of consciousness. If you want to heal sexually, overcome trauma, expand your sexual/sensual repertoire with your partner, and learn to be a better lover, have more mastery over sex energy pathways in your body, and learn how to experience pleasure, arousal and intimacy, then red tantra as it pertains to sexuality and consciousness is a valid path. Red tantra is an excellent one for those traumatized by religion, or with low self/body image or who have a lifeless love life with their partner and who need to find sacred holistic methods for being sentient beings.  It is also for individuals or couples who want to be more creative sexually due to disabilities or medical conditions such as medications/ surgeries that have affected their libido or performance.

Tantra concerns itself with ALL aspects of conscious energy. Your capacity to be a better lover will be superficial unless you learn to awaken and cultivate awareness in all aspects of consciousness…not just your second (sex or source chakra). Sexual energy is considered to be the most compelling life source of energy for most human beings. Therefore we focus on our ability to control, direct and harness sexual energy ethically weaving it with higher aspects of consciousness: unconditional love and forgiveness, creativity, our capacity as healers and shamans, and our connection to spirituality. So even if you focus on red tantra, you will want to weave in white tantra to have any true expansive experiences with yourself and your partner.

You can achieve expanded states of consciousness and greater intimacy and love and greater connection to spirit in our White Tantra programs without ever taking your clothes off and without ever touching yourself or your partner.  We have advanced mediation sessions that take this form of meditation to even higher levels.

What symptoms can Tantric methods help and why should we explore tantra?

Revitalize your love life with you partner

Reawaken your passion for life

Address ailments in the body, move stagnant chi, be energized, have less pain, loose weight, correct posture

To have more meaningful connections, passion and vitality to yourself/one another.

To learn or recover your capacity to give and receive pleasure

To open your heart again and truly live in love

To cultivate the capacity to be in awe, to live in bliss, less attached and driven

To be inspired and creative

To move beyond addictive, pornographic obsessive sex seeking behaviors that never quench your appetite

To learn how to manifest and attract positive people and events in my life

To correct issues in womyn such as vagismus, dyspareunia, HSDD, numbness, menopause, disappointment and dull, unfulfilling, meaningless sex.

To correct issues in men such as premature ejaculation, low libido, prostate issues

To use sexual energy to heal your body

To cultivate spirituality with sensuality.

To experience the beauty the awe of divine unions and cosmic states of consciousness.

Will I learn new positions?  Is this like Kama Sutra?

If you come as an individual or couple and you wish to learn how to connect more deeply to one another and to arouse more passion and please your partner, then you can learn new methods which include the sensual arts of breath, visualization, imagery, and touch. You can also learn about polarities of attraction and how to activate energy centers to amplify your intimacy rituals. This includes yogic and kama sutric poses.

Is it an orgy?

No.  We offer tasteful ethical sessions for individuals and couples. There is not group sex, group orgasms, or polyamoury sessions.

Is there nudity?

In our advanced womyn’s classes, womyn may choose to come together and support one another and experience g-spot healing and alternative methods for experiencing pleasure. In our advanced couple sessions and after partners have learned the foundations of touch breath, visualization mediations, they may attend sessions where they practice higher levels of connecting, channeling and healing their partners sexually, while remaining available and open in the heart.

Does this go against my religion?

Tantra can be compatible with any religious association or none.

Is this a cult?


Are there drugs involved?

No, we do not advocate the use of alcohol or illegal substances. Proper use of our methods actually enhances awareness and experiences without the use of drugs. Alcohol actually anesthetizes or dulls the sensations and numbs the brain and precludes full awareness.

How do I introduce the subject of tantra with my partner and get him/her to attend?

You can say that you have done reading on the internet about ways for partners to have more meaningful and satisfying intimacy. Sex is a healthy activity that is good for your brain and body. Invite them to attend an introductory white tantra session.

Do I have to know anything about yoga or meditation to attend?

No. A beginners mind is perfect. We ask that you come with an open heart and mind.