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Speaking Engagements


AASECT: 2010 conference: White Tantra Moving Meditation

AASECT 2010 conference: The Alchemy of Enlightened Sexuality

San Diego State University, Psychology Dept, Dr. Soh-Leong Lim, Multi-Cultural Therapy, Spirituality and Sexuality, 2010

AASECT: conference 2009: White Tantra Meditation

AASECT: conference 2009: White Tantra Teens: MoonBlossum ~ Sunflower  a primer for psychologists and parents of developing girls and boys

Women in Creativity, Gender Play and Healing through Writing and Playing Music: (1995-2003)

Museum of Art, Long Beach and Honolulu

Harvard University, Women’s Studies

University of So. California: Women’s Studies Dept, Communications Dept, & Women in Film, Film Dept.

21st Annual Feminist Psychology Conference

Boston University, Women’s Studies

Portland Art Museum, Rock Documentaries

University of Washington, Women’s Studies, Seattle

Washington State University, American Studies

Bowling Green State University, Women’s Studies

Madison University, Women’s Studies

Minnesota University, Women in Film

Hallwalls Museum, Women in Film, Buffalo, NY

Art houses and film festivals worldwide

Apramian, L. (February, 1997). Multiple Abortions and the Repetition of Archaic Longings, Sexual Enactments, and Shame; A Case Study. Presentation at the Women’s Issues in Clinical Practice workshop at the Calif. School of Professional Psychology, Los Angeles, CA.

Apramian, L. (Winter, 1996). Invitation to screen Not Bad for a Girl, presentation followed by discussion about gender fluidity sexuality, madness and creativity. The 21ST Annual Feminist Psychology Conference, by the Association for Women in Psychology, Oregon.

Apramian, L. (Spring, 1994). The Meanings and Selfobject Functions of Rock Music; A Theoretical Perspective adding gender as a self-object function and a Case Study. Paper presented at the Self Psychology peer supervision group facilitated by Robert Stolorow, Ph.D., Barbara Laeir Ph.D., Louse Fisher-Cohan, Ph.D. (RIP), and Lori Grubb, PH.D., Brentwood, CA.

Apramian, L. (1993-1997). Invited screenings of film worlwide, “Not Bad for a Girl”, followed by discussion on the affects of gender on development and identification with being a woman, rape, domestic violence, gender performance and fluidity and the idiosyncratic use of musical styles, sounds, and performance to express shame, conflict resolution, defensive, expansive and celebrative behaviors. See NotBadforaGirlMovie.com

Apramian, L. (Summer, 1991-3). Workshop on The Role Gender Stereotypes and Gender Play in Personality Development. Workshop covered needs, longings, impediments, parental and sibling influences, defensive foreclosure, resources, support systems, created ways to get past shame and inhibition to aspire and become.  Riot Grrrl Convention, Washington, D.C., local Riot Grrrl chapter meetings statewide.