Groups for Parents, Women, Men and Couples
(Mondays; October 25, Nov 1, Nov 8, and Nov 15, 2012; 6:30-9:30pm)
This group is part of a larger study and project aiming to create an alternative sex education programs in private schools. The material is an adjunct to what children and teens are traught in school about sex ed. This model will focus on viewing the body as a sacred temple, age appropriate intimacy rituals, weaving spirituality with intimacy, and a focus on the bio/energetic body wtih direct tools for teens to channel, redirect and understand sexual urges, impulses, peer pressure and pleasure/arousal. The program focuses on giving girls confidence about their changing bodies, menstruation, self esteem and empowerment and practical methods to retain their innocence while acknowledging the realities of maturing and the need for connection. This model is educational, experiential, and interactive. It is a mind body spirit model for parents who wish to impart a more progressive holistic and integrative approach to sex and consciousness
Dr Lisa presented this model at the May 2009 AASECT (American Association of Sexuality Educators, Counselors and Therapists) conference with a follow up at the June 2010 conference.
Meets once a week for four weeks. Volunteers must attend all 4 weeks. Since this is part of a research project, we are offering this group for no charge. Donations welcome. Contact Dr Lisa, Ph.D. 760-484-7792
Father-Son: Enlightened Sexuality group
(Tuesdays-January 11, 18, 25 and Feb 1, 2013; 6:30-9:30pm)
This group is part of a larger study and project aiming to create an alternative sex education programs in private schools. The material is an adjunct to what children and teens are traught in school about sex ed. This model will focus on viewing the body as a sacred temple, age appropriate intimacy rituals, weaving spirituality with intimacy, and a focus on the bio/energetic body wtih direct  tools for teens to channel, redirect and understand sexual urges, impulses, peer pressure and pleasure/arousal. The program focuses on giving boys confidence about their bodies, self esteem and empowerment, redefining balancing masculine/feminine energy, and practical methods to retain innocence while acknowledging the realities of maturing and the need for connection. This model is educational, experiential, and didactic. It is a mind body spirit model for parents who wish to impart a more progressive holistic and integrative approach to sex and consciousness.
Dr Lisa presented this model at the May 2009 AASECT (American Association of Sexuality Educators, Counselors and Therapists) conference with a follow up at the June 2010 conference.
Contact Dr LIsa to enroll now. Meets once a week for four weeks. Volunteers must attend all 4 weeks. Since this is part of a research project, we are offering this group for no charge. Donations welcome.
Women’s Enlightened Sexuality
(Tuesdays-October 26, November 2, 9,16, 2012; 7-9pm)
(Tuesdays-October 26, November 2, 9, 16, 2012; 7-9pm) 4 Tuesdays
We will build each week increasing intimacy, bonding, sharing and loving:
body image, nutrition and sexual wellness
sexual physical health and the brain
arousal/lack of arousal
new ways to express attraction/connection/pleasure
with & without coitus
types of orgasms
peri/post menopause
trauma, emotional and yoni healing
sexuality, sensuality and spirituality
enlightened sexuality practices
white vs red tantra
intimacy rituals
healing the heart
the Tao and sexuality
energy medicine
sensuality & creativity
menstrual cycles
Educational, experiential, interactive. This module is 4 weeks. All ages welcome 21-101!
$80 suggested donation. No one turned away.
Contact Dr Lisa, Ph.D. 760-484-7792
Men’s Enlightened Sexuality Group
(Thursdays-Jan 13, 20, 27 & Feb 3, 2013; 7-9pm)
We will focus on body image, sexual health and the brain, arousal/lack of arousal, new ways to express attraction/connection/pleasure with/without coitus, 4 types of orgasms, ejaculatory mastory, arousal and performance challenges, wellness, nutrition and health, multiple full body orgasms, yoni healing and pleasuring, menopause, STD’s, spirituality, enlightened sexuality practices, white and red tantra, intimacy rituals, healing the heart, kundalini, taoist sexuality, energy medicine, sensuality, creativity and healing. Educational, experiential, interactive. Module is 4 weeks. $80 suggested donation All ages 21-101
Couples Group: Tantric Valentine’s Day
Intimacy Rituals for Heterosexual Partners
(February 12, 2012)
Couples Group: Tantra Valentine’s Day
Intimacy Rituals: Womyn Who Love Womyn (back by popular demand)
(February 14, 2013)