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July 6th, WOMBN: 2:30–6:30p, Coed

June 29, 2014  



Recreating Rituals for Healing & Evolution

Calling in Visionary Bravehearts

What: Celebrating and Integrating Global Holistic Sex Education, Healing & Evolution. We all have a primordial connections to the womb. In the WOMBN, we are part of something grand, larger than ourselves. Here, we weave strands of experience with consciousness. Participants become passionately commited to co-creating WOMBN and sharing the process of the WOMBN as part of the global paradigm shift. We support each other and collaborative efforts to learn, heal and redefine our life’s purpose and reveal healing processes so all beings can benefit.

On this date we will re-create beautiful tasteful transformative sexual healing rituals and rites of passage as alternative modalities to approach sexual healing, integration and evolution. This day will be captured and excerpts will be used to teach the value of WOMBN and sacred rites and rituals at a national annual conference in November, 2014 with the Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality for continuing education credit for psychologists, therapists and educators.

You will meet interesting people and have meaningful shifts in consciousness. We will integrate the expressive and healing arts, psychological encountering and re-create beautiful sexual-energetic rites of passage for healing and awakening. The rituals will be co-determined by who shows up and the unique group dynamic that unfolds.

Who: Those who have something to share, learn, evolve or heal from sexually: physically, mentally, energetically, emotionally  or spiritually. Those who wish to integrate the second chakra with consciousness and enlightenment. You may come with, or without, a partner. No prior experience necessary. Teachers, expressive artists and shamyn welcome. Simply come with an open heart and mind and a willingness to both be vulnerable and create and hold sacred space for others. This meet up is co-ed. We call in beings of all ages 21-91, sizes, genders and ethnic diversities. We are committed to teaching, facilitating and integrating men and women of all sexual orientations (het & LGBT and beings from all lifestyles) into the paradigm shift.  Come if you want to question, be free, release anything that does not serve you, discover, share, forgive, remember, empower, connect, laugh, cry, glow, arouse, ground, circulate, diversify, enlighten, hold space, share, grow, nourish and be nourished.

I am a seasoned encounter facilitator, psychologist, expressive artist, sex educator/ researcher and spiral arts coach.

SpiralAwakening.com EnlightenedSexuality.com Yoniverse.com

When: July 6th, 2:30-4:30pm

Where: East Del Mar/Carmel Valley
Sacred Sanctuary
12705 Sandy Crest Ct
SD CA 92130
No Charge…please bring a flower

Wear comfortable clothes, Women in skirts, layers, all wear tones of red, orange, or white if possible and please no fragrances or perfumes

RSVP: 760-484-7792 or SpiralAwakening@gmail.com to Dr Lisa, Ph.D.

Please be prompt and on time. If you have to arrive, let me know in advance. Be prepared to stay for the duration to support and respect the Weave and the process unfolding~

After the circle closes, we socialize and eat. If you can, you may bring a snack or wholesome food to share.

I look forward to all who believe in the power of the Womb Weave and want to contribute to nourish it’s essence~

In Bountiful Love and Light
Dr Lisa, Ph.D.

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