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Mar 16, Coed WOMBN: Weaving

March 5, 2014  

WOMBN: Weaving


Beyond procreation and hedonism, what purpose does our 2nd chakra serve? We call in women/men: shaman, visionaries, healers, artists, teachers, students, grandmothers, mothers, daughters and sisters. Wombn also heals our fathers, brothers, sons and future lovers. WOMBN weavers and Visionary Midwives of all genders, let’s unite and weave! A weave is stronger than we are individually. We become reaquainted with discarded, dormant, and blocked sensual Qi. Together we cultivate and witness womb-heart connections. On the energy of the lunar cycles, we co-create rites & rituals cleansing, unblocking, nourishing, connecting, empowering and enlightening source energy. There are opportunities to release and share memories, build intimacy, heal each other, connect, listen and honor our wombs, witness and process yoni healings and practice and celebrate ancient feminine rituals. By being witnessed, we cultivate our intention to all of humanity~

– cleanse: tone & harmonize the womb

– womb meditation

– womb-heart re-connections & nourishing these energies

– practice taoist sensual meridians

– activate meridians on our selves/ or w/ a partner

– men’s role: holding safe sacred space

–  witness, give, receive a ho’oponopono amends and gratitude blessings led by Karl/Dr Lisa

– witness excerpts of yoni healings

WHERE: Sacred Sanctuary (East Del Mar/Carmel Valley) 12705 Sandy Crest Ct

WHEN: Sun, Mar 16, 12pm-6pm.  Register: Dr Lisa, Ph.D. 760-484-7792 or spiralawakening@gmail.com

WHO: Women/men 18-81+ yo; women of all ages, sizes, races, ethnicities, lineages & sexual orientations

Weavers contribute to our sexual evolution and are usually filmed. Footage is used for a documentary series and segments may be presented at educational seminars, universities & film festivals celebrating & investigating sex enlightenment. Women/men attending will receive 6 hrs of holistic sensual-sexual education, rites & rituals at no charge  I am a woman in my 50’s, a humanistic, depth & ego psychologist, seasoned sex & gender researcher/educator/facilitator, expressive artist/ritualist & film maker. If you know others who can benefit & contribute to our mission, invite them. We look forward to weaving with you and to the possibilities~

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