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Calling Women: WOMBN

October 12, 2013  



Calling women: shaman, visionaries, healers, co-creators, artists, teachers, grandmothers, mothers, daughters, sisters: we invite you to participate in a women’s circle of sexual rites and rituals focusing on healing, nourishing, enlightening and empowering women, Nov17, 11-6pm. We call in women from 21-80+ yo; women of all ages, sizes, races, ethnicities and lineages. We welcome heterosexual, bi-sensual/curious, bisexual and lesbian women. We will examine all aspects and phases of sexuality. We are willing to conduct an honest, in-depth personal inquiry of our second chakra, to awaken source energy. We commit to cocreate a nourishing environment for inquiry and experiences to unfold. Participants are open to participate in several nourishing exercises being partially and fully nude as part of our set intention as well as a yoni healing ritual.

What we experience in WOMBN:

*exploring and intimately connecting to our source chakras * acknowledging body trauma * healing rituals and creating new imprints * clearing & balancing sexuality mentally, physically, spiritually, energetically * redefining, exploring and celebrating healthy sexuality  * sensual closeness to other women * bonding with our sisters, mothers & ancestors * reclaiming our wombs * witnessing each other’s sexual embodiment * re-exploring and discovering new paradigms for our sexual identities, powers and sexual energies * expanding our sexual repertoires * weaving sexuality, spirituality/transcendental experiences * following new callings * empowering future generations * practicing methods to channel sexual energy * cultivating our highest destiny * songs, chants, dances, laughter, weeps, moans, stillness, silence, meditation, ceremony, journal, loving, sharing, intimacy

This event will be filmed. You, We, are making a contribution to sexual evolution. Parts of the day will be used for the Enlightened Sexuality series demonstrating healthy sex education and holistic sex rituals: holistic constructs and healthy sex integration. Segments may be presented in educational seminars, universities, and film festivals celebrating and investigating sex enlightenment.  Parts of this documentary may also be shown internationally in countries where efforts are being made to empower women. Women attending will receive 7 hours of holistic sensual-sexual education, rites and rituals at no charge.

I am a woman in my 50’s, psychologist, seasoned sex researcher/educator/facilitator, expressive artist/ritualist and film maker. If you know others who can benefit and contribute, you may pass this along. I look forward to hearing from you and to the possibilities. To register or for inquiries, contact Dr Lisa at SpiralAwakening@gmail.com, or call 760-484-7792.

Visit: * SpiralAwakening.com * EnlightenedSexuality.com * Yoniverse.com  *  TantricPriestess.com * GoddessWave.com * NotBadForAGirlMovie.com  * BonaDea.com * http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/enlightenedpilotsurvey


To register or for inquiries and to see if you are a good fit, call 760-484-7792 or write to Lisa: SpiralAwakening@gmail.com









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